
Something's wrong with the world today

And I know what it is...
Coming back to Germany was the true cultural shock...Europe, all of the sudden seems little, sad and tasteless. For a moment, just right after landing, I was fooled by the warm weather and the bright, sunny day and was actually wondering 'Is this Germany?'...By evening, a cold, powerful wind brought loads of rain and a very clear answer for my question: 'Yeap, this is Germany, alright! No doubt about it!'
For some reason that I can't explain, India gave me such much of positive energy...can't really describe the feeling...which I know will fade with time.
Here are some pictures of the best trip ever:

The Blue Planet

Long way from home...

Living on the edge

Tiny bit of India's most powerful temple: Srisailum

Birla Mandir, the marble temple of Hyderabad and this is god Venkatesh

Charminar, Hyderabad. The most crowded place on the face of the Earth

More to come...http://picasaweb.google.com/andrinha

1 comment:

Anonymous coward said...

Pretty pictures, milady.