
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!

And there goes my 2nd post from the mystical land of India.
Having to define India in one sentence only is mission impossible. And no matter what anyone would say about it, there will be trillions of other points of view which would be equally right and correct.
As far as I'm concerned, it's been home for me so far. In all its diversity and display of realities, one can always choose what to see and there's a flavour for everyone. Somebody was just asking me today what I like/dislike most about India...*puzzled*...There's nothing I can say, compressed in a word or a sentence.
But for sure, I haven't seen so far such an open attitude towards new and the mix of tradition with modern technology is just brilliant. Nor have I seen such good and friendly services :)) Everywhere you go there's someone to open the door for you, to pull the seat for you, to help you try the shoes, to bring you the papers and the coffee in the morning, to put the food in your plate and fill up your glass, a driver at your services...in other words, to spoil you at maximum. And that's definetely not because I'm a foreigner here (I could pass for a north Indian, if it wasn't for the way I'm still looking in the wrong direction while crossing the street:))...or maybe just a little ;)
This city is so fast growing, it's incredible and it is still considered one of the chill out cities in India. As an example for that stands the Hitec city...a true cyber city, where you'd be amazed to see newer and fancier buildings popping up like mushrooms after rain. If Europe is tired and reached the point of absolute comfort and fear of trying anything else, India is the complete opposite. Fast growing, dynamic, keeps your mind at high speed all the time.
Next time, I'll put up some photos...I finally had the time to take some...The few temples I've seen are such a historical proof of where we're coming from...amazing to see such undoubtful evidence and makes you wonder what else do you want to know?

Wish you all a twisted, cheerful 2007 !!!


H0n3yb33 said...

From your words I can tell you are definitely enjoying every moment. What a wonderful way to end one year and begin another!

Anonymous coward said...

Impressionante. Sempre ouço falar das pessoas que conhecem a Índia que é, em verdade, um outro mundo. Fico tentando ver as coisas pelos olhos dos outros, e ver o que não dá pra imaginar. Em todo caso, que você tenha um novo ano cheio de atribulações e, portanto, memórias. Porque ler o que você pensa e faz é sempre curioso. Gosto de saber o que você faz... é como se fosse um livro, e eu me imaginasse no papel do protagonista. Bom, algo assim, não sei. Em suma, continue não perdendo os momentos, e sempre fazendo história. Lembranças!