
What a colourful piece of crap...

Random thoughts...

When one hope is lost, it becomes a painful loss...meaning that the memory that contained that hope it's just an empty shell and that's precisely what it hurts: the sheer thought that once you had that hope, a thought that keeps flickering until the loss becomes a lack...Under the blur of time, even the memory fades and the container of the hope, the last trace of its existence, is erased. And one circle is complete, all the way from nothing...to nothing.
Leave the guard down and life will merciless cut through flash ...!
And that’s the difference between loss and lack!

Stars are twisting and the universe takes a turn I don’t think I like...But thank you for all you had! Down time started, give it all!

There’s this record I keep playing in my head. It’s a funny one, there’s no sound that comes out...but there’s something that absorbs the music from your soul. I fear the day there’ll be no sound left.

Come, don’t be afraid, my absurd one. It’s just the empty space between your code and mine. There was an art of happiness, true, but you are beyond that now. Ignorance was bliss! This is now the art of dying!



Nothing is more painful than when a hope dies out... And the vision of the graveyard is just frightening enough to haunt you in the depths of your mind.

Today, I've lost the hope that purity can exist untouched in this world!
I've lost the hope that humans could create something without examples!
I've lost the hope that at least something in this world as we know it could be unlimited!
I've lost the hope that I would stop storing the most painful memories or at least that time will fade those away!
I've lost the hope that I could ever understand why!

Is this freedom? ...And the graveyard is full of beautiful dreams!


You think you know me?

I came from darkness onto the other side...
I only had dreams of pain and desire of the light
"Break free with me, stand up and fight"

So bright and burning from within
The light was defeating my realm.
Dreams and reality became the same
Till ashes would come to back to life
Again and again...

I closed my eyes and darkness brought the peace
But once The Circle is complete
Light and darkness will be gone.
Back to nothing, where we belong.


And back :)

ENFP - "Journalist". Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

Back to stay for a while, till the gods decided again to clean up the heavens and throw loads of work to the petty unworthy subhuman corporate junkies.