
To the Universe

Yes, that's some attitude with altitude! Because heights don't make me dizzy anymore and the abyss can't scare me anymore. I am the abyss! You think that's too much? I don't. What would you know? Me daring to have a counter opinion...
Nothing is as it seems, it's always much more simple than that. I'm very greatful for being one!
Still don't know which part is entirely mine and which is the original. But, to make it simple: no separation! One and THE one is in the end just ground zero.
And worry not. If I fly too high, I'll make sure I won't hurt the sky!

I don't believe I was cursed by being born in a human form (though once in a while it's difficult to be in my container, but that's another story). Neither do I believe that humans are the most special ones in the universe.
And I do have a blind faith and love for life, which I can't really explain. It doesn't mean either that it was all honey and milk. Had its own bad flavours. But I guess that's the only true way to appreciate it in the end. No, I don't guess. Now, I know.
There was a loss in our birth, as in we forgot who we were in order to to be able to take this journey, called life. We forgot the reason why or maybe we never knew it. Have we always known each other or there is a power of new creation in the universe? Have we known the rules for this game before or we weren't designed to have emotions? ....The very miracle of our existence ;):)
In the end, I believe in consciousness as well :)

I've changed the rules and hope you won't mind!

Currently listening to: ...silence...


Anonymous said...

Very bold and cryptic. But we do lose something when we are born. It has the legend that the archangel comes to every and each one of us, then he touches us, right above the lips, and kindly asks us to hold the secrets of the universe. We blindly agree, and that is the reason we all have philtrums.

Antarya said...

Very much so! That's exactly what I meant by the loss within the birth. Loss of knowledge & memories.
But...there is a way to bypass all the filters that were given to us :)))
It's like cheatcodes in the video games :))
Life is so much fun!

Anonymous coward said...

Then please go ahead and share with us! I would be a cheater myself, should I know the codes ;)

Anonymous said...

"Cheat codes" are nothing more but substances that remove the chemical filters set on our brain to be able to perceive one reality at a time. Take LSD, for example :)

Anonymous coward said...

Definitely a must, then.