
Hall of Lame - August awards

And this month, 1st place goes to the TV serie called "Weeds". Though a great, cool idea finally made its way up to the surface, after the 8th episode, apparently the producers didn't know what to do anymore with it and quite obvioulsy it turned into something that lame that you actually keep on watching it hoping that the director was suffering of temporary insanity and he'll recover.
And guess what? The budget was cut off for this serie. Wonder why.

2nd place goes to the amazing August weather in South Germany. To be accurate, this is November weather and just when you think it cannot get any worse, the weather does show you that it can. If you dare to complain about it, someone will always say:"Oh, this is much better. Two years ago I was wearing a winter jacket in July"...as if this is meant to bring you any comfort.

And last but not least, 3rd place goes to all the men that think you'll fall right in their arms after their few, but very lame attempts of getting your attention in any way.


Anonymous said...

I once watched one episode of Weeds. I remember thinking it had potential, but it seems it was misguided, though.

But the plot was far too cool to work anyway.

Antarya said...

Exactly my point! The whole thing was so cool about Weeds...too bad they turned it into something that lame that it makes you go cry silently in your corner